Basics Of Biology

This blog is related to the biology. Here basics about bio s well explained and well defined. This blog also include key points of biology.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Concept of Abiogenesis and Biogenesis:

Concept of Abiogenesis and Biogenesis:

  Many had believed since ancient times that living organisms both plants and animals arise from clay, earth and other non living matter not from pre existing parents of their own man kind. These illusion was based on such observations as growth of fungus on pieces of bread and the appearance of maggots on dead bodies of animals. Aristotle believed that fishes, frogs, snacks and aquatic insects spontaneously developed from mud. This old belief that living beings can spontaneously develop from non living is termed as abiogenesis.
  The idea of production of living from the non living was experimentally analyzed. The  pioneer in such experiments was an Italian scientist named Radi. Through performed some experiments he showed that all living organisms arise from their parents and negated the idea of abiogenesis.
  The view that living beings can develop from other non living beings is called biogenesis. The following are a few of experiments which Redi performed and which led to the concept of biogenesis.

Experiment No. 1:

  Some dead snakes were placed in a box. It noticed that flies gathered around the dead snakes. After three days maggots appeared in their bodies. About after eighteen days these maggots transformed into pupae. Some of these pupae were then transferred to separated glass containers covered with the sheet of paper. After eight days, a fly emerged from each pupa and all flies were similar to those which visited to the body of dead snakes. From this it was concluded that maggots were the offsprings of flies. The flies had laid egggs on the dead snacks. These eggs gave rise to maggots which formed pupae and ultimately flies emerged from them.

Experiment No. 2:

  In other experiment Radi took eight bottles. He put dead snacks in two pieces of meat in other bottle and dead fishes in other bottle. He kept four bottle open and four bottle covered. After a few days, maggots appeared in the open bottles only. No maggots appeared in the bottle kept covered. This showed that if the flies were prevented from entering the bottles, the maggots did not appeared.
  Some workers, however, criticized this experiment and said that the maggots failes to appeared in the covered bottles because air being so essential for abiogenesis could not enter these bottles. To test this, Radi performed another experiment.

Experiment No. 3:

  Some pieces of meat were put in a bottle whose mouth was covered with the guaze. Sp we can say that, air could enter the bottle while flies remained out. Again no maggots appeared on the pieces of meat, even after many days inspite of the fact that entry of air was possible.
  These experiments provide evidence supporting the idea that only living beings give rise to living beings. Thus, the concept of Biogenesis is correct and that kf Abiogenesis is wrong.

Needham's Experiments:

  In 1784, an English Scientist Needham, boiled meat in water, poured this gravy in bottles and closed their mouth with cork. After a few days many micro organisms were produced in these covered bottles. These once again excited the believers pf Abiogenesis. For Example:
  Life from non life.

Pasture's experiment:

  The arguement in the concept of biogenesis and abiogenesis continued upto the middle of nineteenth century, till Louis Pasture, a renowned French Scoentist proved with experiments, that abiogenesis could not occur in the present environment of earth.
  In 1864, Pasture performed his experiment, in front of commission formed of noticed biologists, to resolve this issue. He took flasks

Biological method

Biological method

A biological method is a scientific approach use to resolve a biological problem related to or produced by a living organism. In order to resolve a specific biological problem a biological method is adopted, which consist of following steps.

1. Observation
2. Hypothesis
3. Deduction
4. Experiment
5. Result
6. Law or theory


           About all the biological investigations start with an observation. After  selecting, specific biological problems, observation are made to collect relevant information. For example; take the case of malaria. As we know that "Malaria" is the greatest killer disease of man for centuries. Malaria was the one among many other disease for which a cure was needed.
     In 1878, a French physician, Laveran, studied the blood sample of malaria patient under microscope and obseve tiny creatures in it. These creatures were later named Plasmodium.


    The facts that are observed previously collected information or data biologists  make intelligent guesses as to what may be the possible answer to this particular questions. This intelligent guess in the form of statement is called hypothesis. So, the hypothesis is a statement made by scientists about the certain phenomenon, On the basis of available informations. For examples, an observation was made that plasmodium is present in the blood of malaria patients, So a question was raised, is the plasmodium is the cause of malaria? It would be a good guess to say “yes” but it is only a guess which can be presented as a hypothesis that;
“Plasmodium is the cause of Malaria”


           To test the hypothesis certain deductions that is logical prediction are made. In the other words deduction is the logical explanation of hypothesis. It does not require any type of experimentation. For example, to test the above hypothesis the following deductions were made.
           “If plasmodium is the cause of malaria, then all the patients suffering from malaria should plasmodium in their blood while healthy people should not have”
       A number of a deductions can be made to explain the hypothesis. These deductions can be tested of verified by experiments.


                    To next step to test the each of an deduction predication practically to find out whether or not the hypothesis is correct. In testing the deduction we are actually testing a hypothesis. This is where the scientist shows their his own skills of doing an experimenter. For this purpose, scientists performs two types of tests i.e. control and experimental groups. Control group means group of healthy people and experimental groups means group of malaria patients. Both groups were kept in identical conditions. If we want to find out the real cause of malarial, scientists examined the blood of about 100 malaria patients and also examined the blood of 100 healthy persons.
         From above experiment it was found that all the malarial patients had plasmodium in their blood, where as the blood of healthy persons were free from plasmodium. These results verified the deduction and finally the hypothesis i.e. “Plasmodium is the cause of malaria”.
           It is not always possible to confirm a hypothesis immediately. the validity of hypothesis rest on the gradual accumulation of indirect evidences.

Friday, July 19, 2019



                 We examine the world around us, we find the world with full of living organisms,e.g. Cows, Buffalos, plants, roses, human being  etc. In this also including tiny organisms, there are many tiny or microscopic organisms, we can see them in just microscope. The study of every living thing is called biology.
The word BIOLOGY is consisted on two Greek words bios which means life and logos means study.
                         Biology is the branch of science and science of life, which deals with the life and phenomena of life. A biologist studies the structure, origin, growth and evolution of living organisms.
           Biology is the multi dimensional science. It is often studies in connection with the other sciences like as methamatics, chemistry, physics, socialogy, engineering and even with the social sciences, now we will talk about with some examples.


                            It is the totally branch of chemistry which requires with the steady knowledge of biology and chemistry. It express the synthesis of bio molecules, requirment and effect reasoned by deficiency or efficiency of other different molecules on individuals and their metabolism.
                        It is the branch if physics here we apply rules and techaniques of physics to express the metabolism of individual and to find out the life of fossils and so on.


                     It is the branch of mathematics here data and measurements related to the individuals. If we do not know mathematics and statics so there is no biological research and data analysis is possible.

Behaviourial biology:-

                                          It is the combination of biochemistry, genetics, physiology, ecology and evolutionary theory. It is the fact of biology are reflected in the study of behaviours.


                          It is the study of the social behaviours its also connects the biology to the social sciences and humanities, we will more learn about ourselves by the study of life in general.


                               It is the act of bringing something to bear of engineering rules to biological rules or vice versa.


                            It is the study of to find early life and the study of the evolution of life in the world.


                              It is tge study if life forms, its distribution, evolution and the reason behund the distribution.

Main Branches of biology:-

Biology is divided into two main branches,

Botany and zoology.

So, firstly we are discussing about BOTANY and then we will discuss about Zoology.
                  The world Botany is composed of two greek word botane which means plants and we know logos is study. It is the main branch of biology Which deals with the life of plants or it is the scientific study of the life of plants e.g. roses, sun flowers, mismosa plant, mango trees etc.


                   This term zoology is also composed of two greek words zoo means animals and logos we know study. It is also the main branch of the biology in which we deals with the life of animals or it is the scientific study of the animals e.g. human being (human being is also a social animal), cat, elephant, snack, ant  etc.
The study of biology gives us information about:
Tell us about the living organisms existing on earth and its various kinds.
Relation extinct organisms with existing organisms.
Tells about the similarities,dissimilarities and relationship of living individuals and its identification and grouping of it.
Tell us about Organisms, structures and functions of it.
Tell us about genetics in which heridity of characters from one generation to the next generation.
And, the relation between the organisms and their environment.
Tell us about useful and harmful efforts which is produced by the other different living individuals etc.